Master of the Wind Userbars will no longer be updated as of May 22, 2020. This site has served its purpose as both a home
for Master of the Wind and Katawa Shoujo Userbars for many solid years.
With the decline in traditional web forums over the past decade or so, the userbar has become a relic of internet history,
and so will this cheap little Tripod site. (Not to mention that Photobucket, my image host, stopped their free hosting service
a while ago...)
Thank you all for years of fun, and thanks especially to the creators of MotW and KtwSj for not suing me for blatantly
stealing their art in the name of cheering on these wonderful projects.
And so we say goodbye, but I'm sure we will meet again in the active communities of our new favorite games. If you happen
to pass by, give me a shout and let me know if you happen to need another userbar.